How To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Special: 6 Things To Do

How To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Special: 6 Things To Do

How To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Special: 6 Things To Do

Posted on June 3rd, 2024

When it comes to our dogs, they are more than just pets; they are family members who provide us with unconditional love and joy. 

As pets near the end of their lives, it's important to ensure their last days are filled with comfort, happiness, and love. 

This can be a deeply emotional time, and knowing how to make your dog's last days special can bring solace to both you and your furry friend. Cherishing these final moments is essential, and there are meaningful ways to make this time memorable and loving.

Knowing how to cater to your dog’s needs during their last days can significantly impact their comfort and peace. Small gestures can go a long way in making them feel cherished and loved. 

From indulging them with their favorite foods to spending quality time in their preferred spots, these actions help in creating beautiful lasting memories. Additionally, the act of being present and engaging in their favorite activities can provide immense comfort to your dog.

Knowing what to do during your dog's last days involves creating a balance between fulfilling their physical needs and offering emotional support. Each dog is unique, and what makes one dog happy may not be the same for another. 

Therefore, it's crucial to tailor these experiences to suit your dog's personality and preferences. This guide will provide you with practical ideas and activities that can help make your dog's last days special and memorable.

If you are considering afterlife care options, you might want to learn about pet aquamation services, a gentle and eco-friendly alternative to traditional pet cremation. In this blog post, we will also touch upon how to incorporate these services thoughtfully when the time comes. By planning and taking mindful steps, you can ensure that your dog’s last days are filled with love and peace.

Understanding Your Dog’s Needs

As your dog approaches their final days, understanding and addressing their needs is crucial for ensuring their comfort and well-being. 

Dogs, like humans, have both physical and emotional needs that must be met to provide them with the best quality of life possible. By closely observing your dog and responding to their needs, you can help them feel loved and secure during this time.

Observing Physical Comfort

Physical comfort is a top priority as your dog nears the end of their life. Watch for signs of discomfort or pain, such as restlessness, changes in appetite, difficulty moving, or vocalizing. Providing a comfortable resting place is essential. 

Ensure that their bed is soft, warm, and easy for them to access. Consider using orthopedic or memory foam beds, which can offer extra support and alleviate pressure on their joints.

It’s also important to maintain a clean and hygienic environment. Regularly clean their bedding and ensure their living area is free from drafts and excessive noise. Keep their food and water easily accessible, especially if they have mobility issues. 

Providing fresh water and nutritious food in small, manageable portions can help them stay nourished and hydrated without exerting too much effort.

Emotional Well-being

Your dog's emotional well-being is equally important. Dogs are incredibly perceptive and can sense changes in their environment and in your emotions. 

Maintaining a calm and positive atmosphere can help soothe your dog during this difficult time. Spend quality time with them, offering gentle affection and reassurance.

Routine is comforting for dogs, so try to stick to their regular schedule as much as possible. This can include feeding times, potty breaks, and playtime. Familiar routines provide a sense of normalcy and security. 

Additionally, engage in activities that your dog enjoys, whether it's a gentle walk, a favorite game, or simply sitting together.

Creating a Supportive Environment

Creating a supportive environment involves both physical adjustments and emotional care. Ensure that your dog’s favorite toys, blankets, and items are within reach. These familiar objects can provide comfort and a sense of security. Soft lighting and a quiet space can also help create a soothing atmosphere.

Moreover, consider alternative therapies such as gentle massages, acupuncture, or aromatherapy to help alleviate pain and anxiety. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new treatments to ensure they are safe and appropriate for your dog's condition.

By carefully observing your dog and responding to their needs, you can create a nurturing environment that supports their physical and emotional well-being. This thoughtful care will help your dog feel loved and comforted during their final days, making this time as peaceful and special as possible.

Saying Goodbye to Your Pet

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is one of the hardest things a pet owner can face. It’s essential to approach this moment with care and sensitivity, ensuring your dog feels loved and secure. 

This time offers an opportunity to create lasting memories and keepsakes that you will cherish forever. It's a moment to honor the bond you’ve shared and to provide your pet with the comfort and peace they deserve.

Creating Lasting Memories

Creating lasting memories during your dog’s final days can provide solace and a sense of closure. Consider making a paw print as a keepsake. This can be done using non-toxic clay or ink, and it serves as a tangible reminder of your pet’s presence. 

Another idea is to take final photos together. Capture the tender moments, the quiet cuddles, and the joy your dog brings to your life. These photographs will serve as precious mementos, allowing you to remember the love and happiness you shared.

Additionally, you might want to compile a scrapbook or memory box filled with your dog’s favorite toys, photos, and other memorabilia. Writing letters to your dog, expressing your love and recounting fond memories, can also be a deeply therapeutic exercise. 

These keepsakes and activities not only honor your dog’s life but also help you through the grieving process.

Heartfelt Farewells

When the time comes to say a final goodbye, it’s important to be present and offer comfort. Speak softly to your dog, reassure them with your voice and gentle touch. Hold them close, if possible, allowing them to feel your warmth and love. 

This moment is about providing peace and security, ensuring your dog knows they are not alone.

Consider arranging a quiet, private setting for this farewell. Surround your dog with familiar objects, like their favorite blanket or toy, to create a sense of comfort. Some pet owners find it helpful to play soft music or nature sounds, which can create a soothing environment. 

Remember, the goal is to make this moment as peaceful and loving as possible for your cherished companion.

6 Things To Do To Make Your Dog’s Last Days Their Best Days

1. Yummy Food and Snacks

One of the simplest ways to bring joy to your dog during their last days is to treat them to their favorite foods, or maybe something delicious they were not allowed to have (like pizza crust!). Whether it's a special meal you've prepared yourself or a treat they rarely get, indulging them can bring immense pleasure. 

Opt for nutritious, easily digestible foods if they have a sensitive stomach. Homemade treats, like peanut butter biscuits or boiled chicken, can be a delightful surprise. Watching your dog enjoy their food can be a heartwarming experience, creating a lasting memory for both of you.

2. Visit Peaceful Places

Taking your dog to their favorite peaceful spots can provide them with a sense of joy and relaxation. Whether it’s a quiet park, a scenic trail, or just a favorite spot in your backyard, these locations can offer them a comforting environment. 

Ensure the place is safe and accessible for your dog’s current physical condition. The fresh air and gentle exercise can be uplifting, helping them feel at ease. Remember to bring water, their favorite blanket, and perhaps a toy to make the outing even more enjoyable.

3. Pampering and Massages

Pampering your dog with massages and gentle grooming can be a wonderful way to show your love and care. Massages can help relieve any discomfort they may be experiencing, promoting relaxation and comfort. Focus on gentle, soothing strokes along their back, neck, and limbs. 

Use a soft brush to groom them, which can also be very comforting. This not only helps them feel physically better but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog, providing them with a sense of security and love.

4. Talk to Them So They Hear Your Voice

Your voice is incredibly soothing to your dog, especially during their final days. Spend time talking to them, sharing stories, or simply sitting with them while speaking softly. Your voice can provide comfort and reassurance, making them feel loved and not alone. 

Singing to them or reading aloud can also be calming and enjoyable for your dog. These moments of connection can be deeply meaningful, providing emotional comfort to your furry friend.

5. Toys and Playtime

Even in their final days, dogs often enjoy playing with their favorite toys. Providing gentle, easy playtime can bring joy and stimulate their mind. Choose toys that are soft and easy to handle, avoiding anything that might cause stress or physical strain. 

Simple games like gently tossing a plush toy or engaging in a mild tug-of-war can be delightful. The key is to ensure that the activity is enjoyable and not exhausting for your dog. These playful moments can be a great way to create happy memories.

6. Let Them Do What They Normally Wouldn’t

Allowing your dog to indulge in activities that are usually off-limits can be a wonderful way to make their last days special. Let them sleep on the couch, share your bed, or enjoy a special spot they've always been curious about. I have even let one of my dogs "chase" my chickens. With her impaired mobility, she couldn't actually run, but she was delighted to see the chickens take off as she approached!

These small freedoms can bring immense joy and comfort. It’s a way of showing them that they are deeply loved and cherished. Watching them enjoy these simple pleasures can be incredibly rewarding and heartwarming for you as well.

By incorporating these activities into your dog's final days, you can ensure that their last moments are filled with love, comfort, and happiness. Each gesture, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in their well-being and create lasting memories for you to cherish.

Pet Aquamation Services at Cholla Afterlife

As you prepare to say goodbye to your pet, it’s also important to consider the afterlife care that best honors their memory. 

Pet aquamation, also known as alkaline hydrolysis, is an increasingly popular and eco-friendly alternative to traditional cremation. This gentle process ensures that your pet is treated with the utmost respect and care as they are sent off to the Bridge.

The Aquamation Process

Aquamation involves placing your pet in a warm water solution with alkali, leaving only the bones behind over several hours. This process mimics the natural decomposition that occurs in the earth, but it happens much more quickly and in a controlled environment. 

The result is a fine white powder that is returned to you in a scatter tube or urn. Aquamation uses significantly less energy than traditional cremation and has a minimal environmental impact, making it a compassionate choice for pet afterlife care.

Individual and Private Aquamation Services

At Cholla Afterlife , we offer several options for pet aquamation to meet the needs and preferences of every pet owner. Our individual aquamation service ensures that your pet is placed in their own cradle within the unit, with their powdered remains kept separate and returned exclusively to you. 

This service provides peace of mind, knowing that you will receive only your pet’s powdered remains back. Each pet is also given a stainless steel numbered tag, and we use an electronic pet tracking system to maintain the integrity of the process.

For those seeking even more personalized care, we offer private aquamation. This VIP (Very Important Pet) service means your pet is placed alone in the unit, without any other animals. 

It includes additional benefits such as transportation of your pet and their remains, as well as a special memorial stone in the garden at the nonprofit organization, Old Souls Animal Rescue. This service allows for a deeply personalized farewell.

Communal Aquamation

We also provide communal aquamation for pet owners who prefer a more cost-effective option. In communal aquamation, multiple pets are placed together in a single cradle. 

While you will not receive individual ashes, we offer a small amount of the group’s ashes if desired. The remaining ashes are spread in the memorial garden at Old Souls Animal Rescue, ensuring that all pets are honored in a serene and beautiful setting.

Learn more about our pet aquamation services and how we can support you during this difficult time. We are here to provide compassionate care and help you honor your beloved pet’s memory.


As you navigate the emotional journey of your dog's final days, remember that every moment of love and comfort you provide makes a significant difference. By focusing on their needs and creating cherished memories, you ensure a peaceful and loving farewell. 

At Cholla Afterlife, we are here to support you with compassionate pet aquamation services that honor your pet's memory in an eco-friendly manner. For more information on our services, please visit our Aquamation page. 

If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact us at (520) 349-9154 or email us at [email protected].

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