Pet Afterlife Care Options: Why Aquamation is the Best Choice

Pet Afterlife Care Options: Why Aquamation is the Best Choice

Pet Afterlife Care Options: Why Aquamation is the Best Choice

February 27, 2024

Until recently, there have been only two options for what to do with your pet after they pass away: Burial and cremation. 

Both come with their own drawbacks and negative impacts to the environment. For example, while it's wonderful to think about burying your pet in the back yard of your home because they spent their whole life there, they could be dug up by wildlife. And what happens when you move? Their remains will stay behind. Cremation gives you the benefit of being able to take your pet's remains with you, but the thought of sending your pet into a fire is not comforting. Nor is the thought of all the energy consumption and toxins released into the environment through cremation.

But now there is a third option for your pet (and for people!): Aquamation, also known as alkaline hydrolysis. The aquamation process uses water, high temperature, and alkaline agents to mimic nature's response to death, but it works just a bit faster. The clean, simple, gentle process upholds Cholla Afterlife's commitment to environmental stewardship.

The process

Unlike traditional afterlife care methods that leave an indelible mark on the environment, aquamation resonates with those seeking a more sustainable and considerate approach to their pet's final journey to the Bridge. 

Much like cremation, aquamation allows a pet owner to keep the powdered physical remains of their pet. But unlike the ashes that pet parents receive after cremation that are dark and may be chunky, aquamation remains look like clean bright sandy powder. You also get back 20 percent more of your pet's remains with aquamation because none of the bones were burned away in the process.

What's even better is that post-aquamation powdered remains are easier to use for crafting personalized keepsakes that encapsulate the spirit of your cherished friend and resonate with the individuality of your pet. 

From custom urns that reflect your pet's personality to intricately designed jewelry that allows you to carry their memory close to your heart, aquamation provides a canvas for crafting mementos that transcend the limitations of traditional methods.

At Cholla Afterlife, the preservation of your pet's powdered remains is not just a process; it is a promise, a commitment to immortalize their spirit in forms that echo the depth of your connection. 

Reduced environmental impact

In addition to its minimal carbon footprint, aquamation also stands out for its reduced energy consumption compared to cremation. The process requires less energy, contributing to a smaller overall impact on the environment. Pet owners seeking eco-friendly alternatives will find aquamation to be a conscientious choice.

Traditional cremation engulfs your pet in intense heat, demanding substantial energy resources. In contrast, aquamation navigates the farewell journey with a gentler touch, utilizing a fraction of the energy required by its traditional counterpart. This translates into a more sustainable afterlife option, aligning with the growing global consciousness toward eco-friendly alternatives.

Beyond the immediate ecological impact, aquamation's reduced environmental footprint reminds us about the broader narrative of sustainability. As the demand for green practices and environmentally conscious choices grow, aquamation stands as a bridge between honoring our pets and respecting the planet that we all call home.

In choosing aquamation, pet owners not only embark on a journey of compassion but also actively contribute to a world where every choice reverberates through the intricate balance of nature. It's a decision that extends beyond personal preferences; it's a harmonious dance with the environment—one that aligns the farewell of our pets with the principles of ecological responsibility. As we explore the depths of aquamation's reduced environmental impact, we find not just an alternative but a conscious choice that resonates with the heartbeat of our Earth.

Chemical-free process

Unlike embalming, a common practice in traditional burials, aquamation is a chemical-free process. The use of water and alkaline substances eliminates the need for harsh chemicals, making it a safer and more natural choice for the afterlife journey of your pet.

Traditionally, embalming involves the use of harsh chemicals to preserve the body, introducing substances that may not align with the natural course of decomposition. In contrast, aquamation embraces the purity of water, temperature, and alkaline agents, eliminating the need for the intrusive chemicals found in embalming fluids. This departure from chemical-laden practices not only respects the body's journey into the afterlife but also contributes to a more ecologically conscious and sustainable choice.

The chemical-free nature of aquamation extends beyond the environmental impact; it resonates with the broader desire for a gentler, more natural farewell for our pets. The absence of harsh chemicals ensures that the afterlife journey is marked by a return to the elements in a way that mirrors the organic cycles of nature. This holistic approach emphasizes the interconnectedness of life, death, and the environment, creating a seamless transition for your beloved companion.

Choosing a chemical-free process in aquamation is not merely a practical decision; it is a philosophy—a recognition that the final journey of a pet should be as pure and untainted as the love shared throughout their life. 

Supporting water conservation

Aquamation utilizes water as a primary component, which may sound alarms here in the desert. We cannot afford to waste a single drop. But the process of aquamation is actually quite water-efficient, using only as much water as you would normally use to give your pet a bath. In addition, at Cholla Afterlife, we make every attempt to responsibly recycle our water. Choosing aquamation means supporting water conservation efforts, aligning with a more sustainable approach to pet aftercare.

Economical and cost-effective

In comparison to traditional burial services, aquamation is often more economical. The process requires fewer resources, and the resulting savings can be passed on to pet owners. For those seeking a cost-effective yet compassionate afterlife option, aquamation presents a viable and thoughtful choice.


As the awareness of aquamation grows, more pet owners are seeking this alternative. With increasing accessibility and information available, the transition from traditional methods to aquamation becomes smoother. As the demand for eco-friendly and humane afterlife care rises, aquamation emerges as a leading choice in the evolving landscape of pet memorial services.

If you are considering afterlife options for your cherished pet, explore the benefits of aquamation.

Visit Cholla Afterlife to learn more about our Aquamation Services. For inquiries, contact us at (520) 349-9154 or email us at [email protected]. We will help you to embrace a compassionate and eco-friendly choice for your pet's final journey.

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